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Registration is OPEN for the January through June 2025 BDA Solvency Immersion Conference.
We provide a mid-week Fellowship Drop-In for conference registrants every Wednesday, 9-10am pacific, 12-1pm eastern, etc, although the end time is flexible. The personal unique video conference links that conference registrants receive for Fellowship Drop-In are active 24/7 throughout the conference cycle.
This virtual meeting space is available, first-come, first-served, except during our weekly workshops and this scheduled conference event each week, plus up to a half hour before each event begins and up to an hour after the scheduled event time has ended.
More specifically, what Fellowship Drop-In is:
Fellowship Drop-In is a planned time between each weekly workshop when participants are welcome to ask each other for support; to get to know one another; to share experience, strength, and hope; and to "hear" the Higher Power through one another’s voices.
Fellowship Drop-In is a place for specific support not only on the recovery and Step work we’re doing to maintain our solvency during the conference but also on specific DA and BDA recovery topics, members helping members in a spiritual framework.
Fellowship Drop-In is guided by a current steering committee member and is tightly moderated to ensure that discussions are group discussions and that time is shared equally by all participants.
The format for Fellowship Drop-In alternates every other week:
On the Wednesdays before the workshops in which we hear a speaker and share on DA's Steps and Traditions, we use the first half hour of drop-in to study the DA tool of the same number as the Step (i.e., Ones, Twos, Threes, etc.) —
Our drop-in facilitator, usually the conference leader, with occasional substitution by a fellow steering committee member, asks for someone to read the long form of the relevant DA tool from the DA tools list. We then take a 3-minute meditation together. Whenever possible, a Step guide will give a 10-minute presentation on the DA tool we're discussing. Next the available share time will be established by the facilitator based on number of participants, never more than three minutes per person. We then participate in round-robin sharing, in which everyone present gets to share their experience, strength, and hope on the DA tool we're discussing. (The facilitator usually serves as timekeeper for drop-in.)
NOTE: Throughout Fellowship Drop-In, the drop-in facilitator will call on people — by raised hands, alphabetically, or randomly. This — Fellowship Drop-In — is not a time to sit in silence. The whole point is to break out of isolation, loneliness, and secrecy, and to get our questions about DA and BDA solvency and recovery from compulsive debting, both personally and in business, out of our heads and into discussion with our fellows. The drop-in facilitator will keep things moving quickly.
On the Wednesdays before the workshops in which we hear a speaker and share on the relevant DA tool, BDA tool, and promise, we use the first half hour of drop-in to study that week's BDA tool together —
Our drop-in facilitator, usually the conference leader, with occasional substitution by a fellow steering committee member, asks for someone to read the long form of the relevant DA tool from the BDA tools pamphlet. We then take a 3-minute meditation together. Whenever possible, a Step guide will give a 10-minute presentation on the BDA tool we're discussing. Next the available share time will be established by the facilitator based on number of participants, never more than three minutes per person. We then participate in round-robin sharing, in which everyone present gets to share their experience, strength, and hope on the BDA tool we're discussing. (The facilitator usually serves as timekeeper for drop-in.)
On every Wednesday, we provide time for direct support to our fellows —
During the second half hour of each drop-in, our drop-in facilitator will ask if anyone has a topic, pressure, or question related to our DA and / or BDA recovery, often but not only how to get and stay solvent and to take the 12 Steps. The available share time will be established by the facilitator based on number of participants. The sharing will begin with the person who offered the topic, then the facilitator will share as the leader of the drop-in, then we will participate in a round-robin, in which everyone present gets to share their experience, strength, and hope on the topic we're discussing. Each topic will end with a second share from the person who introduced the topic, who we will ask: "Was our sharing on your topic helpful?" and "Would you like to reflect on anything you heard from us?" (The facilitator usually serves as timekeeper for drop-in.)
NOTE: If more than one topic, pressure, or question is offered for round-robin discussion, those who are available can agree to stay beyond an hour.