Please use the green button near the top of our home page to listen to the orientation recording from Jan 4, 2025.
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Registration is OPEN for the January through June 2025 BDA Solvency Immersion Conference.
For all cycles, we record the workshop speakers’ shares and follow‐up Q&A, especially for registrants who miss individual workshops. We will be posting these recordings on a public page on this website at some point, perhaps soon, to provide additional information for members considering joining future cycles. Please keep this in mind during Q&A, especially concerning protection of your and our fellows’ anonymity. We turn off the recording before asking participants to share during the second half each week. Workshop recordings are usually made available on this page within six hours of the end of each workshop.
Please use these recordings for inspiration and information rather than for self help. In our experience, there is no substitute for taking the Steps with a sponsor or Step guide.